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Hezreti Osman was a prominent figure in the early days of Islam. He was a successful businessman and became a Muslim at the invitation of his friend, Ebubekir. He was known for his humility and piety and was one of the first to migrate to Abyssinia. He later became the third caliph of Islam and oversaw the expansion of the Muslim empire. He is remembered for his contributions to the religion and his leadership during a critical time in Islamic history.

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Страница посвящена рассказу о четырех ближайших друзьях и сподвижниках пророка Мухаммеда - Хазрате Абу-Бакре, Хазрате Омаре, Хазрате Османе и Хазрате Али. Они были важными фигурами в истории ислама и оказывали поддержку пророку с самого начала распространения религии. Их жизнь и подвиги являются примером для многих мусульман по всему миру.

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Hezreti Ebubekir, born in Mecca, was one of the first to accept Islam. He was a successful merchant and known for his generosity. He accompanied Prophet Muhammad on the Hijra to Medina and was the first caliph after the Prophet's death. He is known as 'Syddyk' (sadyk, wepaly) and lived his life according to the teachings of Islam and the Prophet's Sunnah. He passed away at the age of 63 in Mecca, leaving behind a legacy of selflessness and devotion to Islam.

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This is a poem by Berdinazar Hudaýnazarow, a Turkmen poet. The poem talks about the importance of good behavior and ethics, and how those who possess them are respected and admired. The poem also touches on the consequences of bad behavior and how it can lead to a person's downfall. The poem is written in Turkmen language.

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Песня 'Все решено' от исполнительницы Elvira T описывает чувства разбитой и убитой души, которая ищет новый путь к счастью. В тексте песни присутствуют отсылки к прошлому отношений и желание начать новую жизнь. Песня наполнена эмоциями и чувствами, которые могут отразиться на слушателях.

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